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At ivee, we believe in finding the best environments for returners to thrive in. That's why we've introduced the ReturnerRating - to help you evaluate your employer choices.

What is a ReturnerRating?

Searching for the right company that supports your return can be time-consuming and overwhelming.
Our ReturnerRating simplifies this by condensing hours of research into an instant, easy-to-understand score. Each score is derived from rigorous analysis across six critical categories:

1. Parental Policy

Understanding the support you’ll receive during pivotal family moments.

2. Professional Development

Opportunities for growth and advancement within the company.

3. Flexibility Options

The ability to adjust your work hours to fit personal commitments.

4. Hybrid Options

Flexibility in your work location to best suit your lifestyle.

5. Returner Onboarding

Ensuring a smooth transition back into the workforce.

6. Senior Leadership

Commitment from the top to support and champion flexible working arrangements.

How it works?

ivee has established a comprehensive set of industry benchmarks and gathered extensive data on returner preferences to create a robust framework for assessing employer readiness. Hereโ€™s how we use this information:


Companies complete our survey

Companies interested in showcasing their commitment to supporting returners complete a detailed survey covering our six critical categories.

We conduct industry benchmarking

We then compare these responses against our pre-established industry benchmarks and returner preference data.

ivee approval granted

Only companies that meet or exceed our standards in supporting returners receive the ivee seal of approval. This is a testament to a companyโ€™s support for returners.

Employers who participate in our ReturnerRating not only enhance their visibility among potential candidates but also demonstrate their leadership in fostering a supportive and diverse workplace.

Lydia MillerFounder, ivee

What is means for employers?

Employers with a high Returner Rating attract more applications on the ivee platform, while having a clear direction on where to improve their policy.

Benchmark for inclusivity

The Returner Rating system publicly displays an employer's commitment to inclusivity, assessing policies across six key categories. This transparency helps organizations benchmark their progress against industry standards, driving continuous improvement in creating a supportive environment for returners.

Talent attraction

A high Returner Rating score showcases an employer's dedication to a returner-friendly workplace, enhancing its attractiveness to top female talent. Companies with strong scores are more likely to attract and retain experienced returners, known for their high retention rates and loyalty.

Competitive advantage

Employers with superior Returner Ratings stand out in a competitive market, demonstrating a proactive approach to diversity and inclusion. This not only boosts their brand reputation but also aligns with regulatory requirements, making them a preferred choice for skilled returners and promoting long-term business success.

Want to find out more?
Reach out to us!