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Conducting a return-to-work interview is an essential step in managing employee absences effectively. These interviews not only ensure that employees feel supported but also help businesses identify and address potential workplace issues. This comprehensive guide is tailored to the UK context, incorporating best practices and legal considerations to make your return-to-work interviews successful and impactful.

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Why are return to work interviews important?

The importance of return to work interviews

Return-to-work interviews serve multiple purposes:


Reducing absenteeism

Employees are less likely to take unnecessary leave when they know they’ll discuss absences.

Fostering open communication

It’s a chance to address concerns and understand the reasons behind absences.

Supporting reintegration

They help employees return to work comfortably after illness, maternity leave, or mental health breaks.

Identifying workplace improvements

Discussions may reveal underlying workplace issues that need attention.

Benefits of return to work interviews

Return-to-work interviews benefit both employees and employers:


Build trust and morale.


Reduce the risk of repeat absences


Demonstrate compliance with legal obligations

Such as those related to disability adjustments under the UK Equality Act 2010.

Steps for a successful return to work interview

1. Prepare for the interview

How to prepare for a return to work interview as an employer

  • Review the employee’s absence history and any relevant documents, such as medical certificates.
  • Familiarise yourself with workplace policies and legal requirements for absence management.
  • Use return-to-work interview templates for employers to guide the process and ensure consistency.

2. Schedule the interview

  • Arrange the meeting on the employee’s first day back or as soon as possible thereafter.
  • Allow enough time for an in-depth conversation, showing that the employee’s concerns matter.

3. Create a supportive environment

Creating a supportive environment for return to work interviews

  • Choose a private, neutral setting for the discussion.
  • Begin the interview with a warm, empathetic tone to put the employee at ease.
  • Reiterate that the purpose is to support their return, not to criticise or interrogate.

4. Discuss the absence

Tips for discussing employee needs in a return to work interview

  • Use open-ended questions to explore the reasons for the absence.
  • Avoid making assumptions or casting judgment.
  • Respect the employee’s privacy, particularly when discussing sensitive topics.

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Key questions to ask in a return to work Interview


These questions help establish trust and allow employers to assess employee readiness while offering support.

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How to structure a return to work interview

Guidelines for structuring a return to work interview


Welcome and purpose

Start by explaining the purpose of the interview.

Discussion of absence

Understand the reasons behind the absence without pressuring the employee.

Assess readiness

Evaluate their ability to resume work and discuss any workplace adjustments needed.

Closing and documentation

Summarise key points, document the conversation, and agree on follow-up actions.

Action plan

Create a clear plan for reintegration, including any necessary support or accommodations.

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Discussing workplace adjustments in a return to work interview

Explore options for flexible working hours, reduced duties, or additional training.

Use resources like occupational health services to determine reasonable adjustments.

Ensure compliance with legal requirements to avoid discrimination claims.

How to document a return to work interview effectively

Use a standardised return-to-work interview questions template.

Record key points, agreements, and any workplace adjustments.

Store documentation securely to comply with GDPR.

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Addressing performance concerns and resistance

How to handle resistance during a return to work interview

  • Stay calm and focus on solutions rather than problems.
  • Highlight how the interview aims to support, not penalise, the employee.

Addressing performance concerns in a return to work interview

  • Be specific about areas needing improvement, but remain constructive.
  • Link performance discussions to resources and support available.
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How to follow up after a return to work interview

  • Schedule a follow-up meeting within a few weeks to review the employee’s progress.
  • Make any necessary adjustments based on their feedback.

Return to work interview follow-up email template:

Subject: Welcome back: next steps after your interview

Dear [Employee Name],

Thank you for meeting with us to discuss your return to [Company Name]. We are thrilled at the opportunity to welcome you back to the team and were inspired by the insights you shared during our conversation.

Your contributions during your previous tenure were invaluable, and we’re eager to align your return with both your professional aspirations and the evolving needs of [Company Name].

What happens next:

  • Timeline: We’re aiming to finalise the next steps, including your role details and start date, by [specific date].
  • Additional information: If there are any further updates or information needed, we’ll be in touch.
  • Contact: For any questions or clarifications in the meantime, please reach out to [Contact Name] at .

We’re committed to ensuring a smooth and supportive transition as you rejoin us. To help with this, we’ve prepared resources to ease your return and refresh your connection with the company’s goals and culture. You can access them here: [link to resources or employee portal].

We’re truly excited to have you back on board and look forward to working with you to achieve even greater success together.

Best regards,
[Your Full Name]
[Your Job Title]
[Contact Information]

Does your returning employee want more flexibility?

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Return to work interviews, when conducted thoughtfully and consistently, are a powerful tool for improving employee engagement and reducing absenteeism. Use this guide to ensure your process is compliant, empathetic, and effective.

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